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Our Story...

It all started when Andrew befriended the skinniest boy in his Kindergarten class. This skinny little boy happened to have a little sister. Her name was Chelsea. At the time, she may not have even known of Andrew’s existence and Andrew was simply not into two year old little girls.

chelsea ignoring andrew

Chelsea and Andrew not paying attention to each other

Over the years, Andrew and Chelsea’s families became close friends. After school, Chelsea and her brother would often go to Andrew’s house. Chelsea would play Pretty Pretty Princess with Andrew’s little sister and Andrew would play Pokémon with Chelsea’s big brother. During the weekends, Chelsea would have to sit through Andrew and her brother’s basketball games. And as was the case back then, Chelsea remains unimpressed by Andrew’s basketball skills.  Every summer, their families would go camping and they even caravanned down together to Southern California in their matching Toyota Previas. Yet through all these years and even into high school, Andrew never paid attention to Chelsea and Chelsea never paid attention to Andrew.

A week later, Andrew, in all his vanity, texted Chelsea asking if she had a recording of them singing together. This begun a chain of dissertation-length emails which led to Andrew asking Chelsea out.  She eventually agreed, with the condition that Andrew must run with her. Andrew now suffers from IT Band syndrome, also known as “runner’s knee.” Nonetheless, he is excited to spend the rest of his life with this special girl.

During Andrew’s senior year of high school, when Chelsea was but a freshman, one of Andrew’s closest friends said something that would have a shaping influence on how Andrew viewed Chelsea in the future. She said, “Chelsea is very pretty and a lot of guys are gonna fall for her.” Little did Andrew know that he would be one of those guys.



Andrew moved to Southern California for college and so did Chelsea three years later. Even though Chelsea visited Irvine often, they never saw each other. After both of their short and separate stints in Southern California, Andrew moved to Philadelphia to attend seminary and Chelsea moved back to the Bay to work.

On one of Andrew’s winter breaks from seminary, Andrew happened to visit a newer church in his hometown. It just so happened that Chelsea was a member of this church. After a few visits, Andrew’s best friend asked him if there were any cute girls there. He responded jokingly, “Well, there’s Ryan’s sister.” They looked at each other and laughed.

When Chelsea’s brother was planning his wedding, he asked his good friend, Andrew and his little sister, Chelsea to sing a special number for his special day. Little did Chelsea and Andrew know that it would be a special day for them as well. They still remember when Andrew came to Chelsea’s house, just the two of them, to practice a song inspired by King Solomon’s famous love poetry. On the day of the wedding, they performed their duties for Chelsea’s brother, sat at different tables, and Andrew flew back to Philadelphia the next day. However, Andrew did notice how stunning Chelsea was with her waterfall braided hair and flattering blue dress. He made sure to let her know that she looked really pretty that day.

CHElsea and Andrew's Families on one of their camping trips

Chelsea and Andrew at Indelible Grace Church

CHElsea and Andrew Singing at Ryan's wedding

CHElsea making Andrew run

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