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Meet our Wedding Party


Genny Hung (Matron of Honor)

Chelsea met Genny 11 years ago as freshmen in high school when Genny just moved to the United States from Taiwan. When Chelsea first met Genny for the first time, she could not understand her. Genny helped Chelsea pass Mandarin class and Chelsea revised Genny's English papers. The following year, Genny moved into Chelsea's house and they became roommates. More importantly, they became family. As "sisters," they would wear each other's clothes, share the same avocado-salmon-tuna sushi roll at every Japanese restaurant, and even dream about their weddings together. Genny even followed Chelsea's mom's footsteps in becoming a nurse, so she can take care of Chelsea when she gets sick. Chelsea loves Genny's big heart, easy-going personality, and honest opinions. Genny has been someone that has and will continue to be there with Chelsea in all of life's celebrations, and even in the hard times.



Venus Wu 

There are 4 things Chelsea can always count on Venus for: letting her eat fried chicken, picking up boba for her, bringing her to cheap Asian foot massage places, and the most amazing conversations. Chelsea actually knew Venus in high school, but became friends in college at Cal Poly Pomona. They enjoyed taking hotel classes together, serving together in their campus ministry, Epic Movement, and hanging out in Disneyland. Even though they work for rival hotels now, Venus has been Chelsea's go-to girl for practically every thing. She not only has the most generous and compassionate heart, but enjoys all the cute and crafty things that Chelsea doesn't have patience for.

Chen-YIan Wong

Chelsea always wanted an older sister and in 2013, she got one! Chen is Chelsea's sister-in-law, aka Ryan's wife. Chelsea is very thankful for all the hard work Chen put into her and Ryan's wedding. Since they set the precedent for everything, wedding planning was a breeze for Chelsea & Andrew. They used all their venue & vendor research and pretty much copy and pasted all their wedding excel sheets. Chelsea thinks Chen is one of the sweetest, smartest, and prettiest girls around with extremely good taste in home decor. They also enjoy making fun of Ryan together (which is very easy thing to do). Chelsea is excited to continue getting to know Chen better and for future double dates where Chen, Chelsea, & Andrew can poke fun at Ryan.



Tracy Tang

Tracy is an intersting paradox in that she is wildly unpredictable yet radically endearing. Chelsea knew of the infamous Tracy Tang in middle school and even were Facebook friends for many years, but never spoke to her until after college when they started going to the same church, Indelible Grace Church. One day, they decided to meet up and spent the day talking in  the Hayward Japanese Gardens. They talked so long that the workers told them they were closing. Chelsea always appreciates Tracy's openness, transparency, thoughtfulness as they struggled, questioned, and continue to grow up.  Tracy is always the life of the party and Chelsea is so grateful that she'll be on the dance floor with her so nobody needs to see Chelsea's terrible dancing.







Melissa Wong

Melissa and Chelsea became friends in middle school when they ran around playing stupid games and laughing their entire lunch hour. Throughout high school, college, and post-college, Melissa has always been a reliable presence in Chelsea's life. Chelsea is always encouraged by Melissa's heart for those less fortunate, the creative ways she serves others, and her unwaivering faith in the power of prayer. These days, Melissa and Chelsea enjoy channeling their inner-hippy by trying out vegan restaurants, scouring the aisles of Berkeley Bowl, and shopping at farmers markets all while wearing their Birkenstocks. Melissa is also an amazing baker. If you haven't yet, you should try one of her cakes!    






Rachel Ong

Rachel is Andrew's little sister, but Chelsea also considered Rachel her "little sister" growing up. When they were kids, Rachel & Chelsea played Pretty Pretty Princess, watched Mary-Kate & Ashley videos, painted each other's nails, and had sleepovers. Rachel even introduced the delicious combination of salami, cheese, and Club crackers (Andrew's favorite). They sympathized with each other since they were both dragged to their brother's numerous basketball games, but soon found themselves playing basketball too soon after. During the summers, they used to go to basketball camps together. At these camps, everyone asked if they were sisters. Now, they can say that they are.


Kevin Eng (Best Man)

Kevin is Andrew's most handsome friend, will punish you on the basketball court, and acts super cool even though he's not even trying. While Kevin experienced 10 days of life without Andrew's existence, Andrew cannot conceive of what life would be like without Kevin living just half a mile up the hill and seeing each other 6x a week from before Kindergarten to Senior year. Andrew still misses the days when they fought imaginary ninjas, ate fish sticks, TV dinners, & cheerios, and challenged each other in basketball, Guess Who, & Mancala. In Kevin, Andrew has always had a kind and understanding friend to share struggles, doubts, and hard questions with - someone who, though not having all the answers, has always responded with compassion, prayer, and concern. Andrew can't remember a time when Kevin wasn't his best friend, and doesn't foresee a time when that will change.






Travis You

Travis and Andrew actually met during high school at a youth camp, but Travis thought Andrew was lame. He was probably right since Travis got all the girls at that camp, while Andrew got none. According to providence, they ended up going to college together, and spent 6 years in Irvine becoming great friends and trying to fit in with a bunch of Koreans. Since Ryan didn't go to Irvine, Andrew needed another tall friend, and he likes to think of Travis as Ryan 2.0. Travis plays defense, rebounds, and tells jokes that are actually funny. He's also incredibly humble, and one of the godliest guys Andrew knows. However, there is nothing godly about what happens to him when he forgets to carry his lactaid pills and can't resist his urge for boba milk tea or ice cream.






RYan Wong

Ryan is Chelsea's brother. Andrew was obligated to have him as a groomsmen. Just kidding, but not really, sorta. Andrew became friends with Ryan because Andrew needed a tall guy for his crew. Unfortunately, Ryan thinks he's a guard on the basketball court, doesn't rebound, and the only things he steals are light bulbs (ask him to tell you this story). Besides having someone to poke fun at, Andrew loves bonding with Ryan over ministry-talk or sermon prep, as Ryan is a bivocational pastor at New Life Community Church in San Jose. While Andrew treasured the moments they both spent shooting hoops and playing Pokemon growing up, Andrew looks forward to the moments he will share with Ryan as maturing brothers-in-Christ and soon-to-be brothers-in-law. #sorryRyan





Nathan Ong

Nate is Andrew's only brother. Andrew cried the day he was born (true story). Nathan cried every other day after that for the next 6 years, often because Andrew provoked him. Andrew was just jealous because Nate got their dad's incredible metabolism. The best way to describe Nate is "swag." Andrew likes to think that Nate got his swag from Andrew, but it's probably not true. Currently, apart from teaching high school students history, government, economics, and the Bible, Nate also coaches basketball and serves as Andrew's personal fashion assistant. Andrew is very proud of his little brother's sick handles, but more so of his brother's love for the gospel, and passion for worshiping Jesus. The last time the two brothers played 1 on 1, Andrew won.






David Cheng

David and Andrew quickly became close friends as two of the few Chinese people at a seminary dominated by Caucasians and Koreans. They've bonded by complaining about the East Coast, reminiscing about California, repenting of their former dispensationalism, and meeting weekly to share life and pray together. Even though David was a Regents scholar at UCLA, a student at Columbia Law School, and probably has the highest GPA in Andrew's MDiv class at Westminster, he isn't as smart as you think he is. He's smarter! This is so because he believes with all his heart that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and that knowledge of the Holy One is true insight.






Scott Leong

Scott jumps high. It makes sense when you look at his calves. Scott and Andrew have been buddies since Scott was born, 6 months after Andrew. They've shared almost every stage of life together, as they both grew up attending the same church, school (K-12), and college (UC Irvine). Scott and Andrew even got engaged 2 months apart and will be getting married 1 month apart. The only difference is that Scott grew hair on his legs before Andrew. Andrew appreciates Scott, not just because Scott is sympathetic toward Covenant theology, and laughs at all Andrew's lame jokes, but also because Scott loves his friends, his family, and Christ's church. Andrew loves Scott's friends, Scott's family, and Christ's church too.






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